Dr sc. techn.
Sigrid Hehl-Lange


Dipl. Ing. Landscape Planner

Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich
8093 Zürich-Hönggerberg

After an apprenticeship as a gardener in a nursery I studied landscape planning at the TUBerlin. I worked in a wide area ranging from small to large-scale projects in landscape architecture (private gardens and competitions) as well as in landscape planning, landscape ecology and visual simulation.

In the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program in the German National Park Berchtesgaden I was comparing the real and the GIS derived synthetic vegetation of the alpine meadows. While in the US, I worked as a landscape planner for the Audubon Society, Massachusetts.

The following research projects give an overview of the type of work I have been involved in since working at ETH Zürich.

GIS analysis and visualisation

Hehl-Lange, S. (2001) GIS-gestützte Habitatmodellierung und 3D-Visualisierung räumlich-funktionaler Beziehungen in der Landschaft. ORL-Berichte Nr. 108, VDF, Zürich, 164 pp.

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Functions and effects of biotopes: GIS-based analysis and visualisation

In planning and in landscape planning typically a specific area is allocated a certain land use or even more than one land use. The functions of a landscape, or of its elements, and the effects of a specific land use of an area on its surroundings are more or less ignored.

Using the example of the greater mouse-eared bat (myotismyotis) the functions of certain biotopes are identified.

Through GIS-based visualisation techniques the GIS-data can be utilised in a 3D-visualisation environment. The GIS-model is a flexible instrument for incorporating the effects of possible future land use changes. It allows the modelling of the effects of biotope fragmentation as well as modelling the positive influence of a structural habitat network.

Possible flight path connecting the nursery colony with the foraging area (3D).


Short video (MPG, 2.5 MB) showing the flight of the greater mouse-eared bat.